BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice are challenged intranasally with Streptococcus pneumoniae and observed for 5-15 days post infection.
Endpoints include mortality, morbidity, or CFU measurement (sub-lethal challenge) in blood, lung, spleen or other organs.
Animal Background:
Challenge Route:
Challenge Dose:
Mean Time to Death:
Intranasal Instillation (IN)
Strain Dependent
Strain and Route Dependent
Standard Readouts:
Other Readouts:
Weights, health and survival
Bacterial Assays (MIC), ELISA, Luminex, Flow cytometry, Survival, Temperature (via microchip), bacterial load in organs, Tissue pathology, etc.
Description: Female BALB/c mice were challenged with S. pneumonia via the intranasal instillation (IN). Mice were treated with either saline as control or two different
test articles.