Respiratory Syncytial Virus Efficacy Model

RSV infection is responsible for a significant number of respiratory diseases in infants and morbidity in elderly populations. The cotton rat (S. hispidus) is susceptible to non-adapted human RSV.

Animals are infected by intranasal inoculation with RSV-A2. This is a non-lethal model that has been used to successfully test RSV vaccine and therapeutic candidates leading to IND and clinical development. Model kinetics indicate peak viral burden at day 4 or 5 post challenge followed by recovery through day7.
The best indicator of efficacy is viral load at the peak of infection and lung viremia is an indicator of morbidity.



  • RSV-A A2
  • RSV-A Long
  • RSV-A 9320
  • RSV-A 18537
  • RSV-B WV 14617-85

Testing Available

  • Cotton Rat Efficacy, Viral Neutralization Assays
  • Viral Neutralization Assays
  • Viral Neutralization Assays
  • Viral Neutralization Assays
  • Viral Neutralization Assays

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